Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Book Releases by Liberation Fellowship CDC Principals

Nana’s Wicker Back by Nancy-Ellen
ISBN: 0-7414-5517-X

NANCY-ELLEN is President and COO of Liberation Fellowship Community Development Corporation and co-producer/co-host of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, a weekly radio journal that focuses on sustainable economic development, HIV/AIDS education, environmental justice issues and the arts and culture. She is a writer, painter, sculptor, teacher and entrepreneur who is a native of Philadelphia, PA. Her new novel has just been released by Infinity Publishing. Entitled Nana’s Wicker Back, the book is a provocative tale of one lost woman who is commissioned by her ancestors to settle a serious matter that has haunted their family for generations.

The book is immediately available by accessing the following link:

It will also be available through and Barnes & Noble.

Leadership Lessons from Exodus by John Elliott Churchville, Ph.D.
ISBN: 0-7414-5490-4

JOHN ELLIOTT CHURCHVILLE, Ph.D. is Chairman and CEO of Liberation Fellowship Community Development Corporation and co-producer/co-host of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, a weekly radio journal that focuses on sustainable economic development, HIV/AIDS education, environmental justice issues and the arts and culture. He maintains a law practice and a leadership training and organizational development consulting firm in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Churchville’s new book, entitled Leadership Lessons from Exodus has just been released by Infinity Publishing. Leadership Lessons from Exodus is a Leadership Development Bible Commentary that discovers practical leadership lessons from the first 14 chapters of Exodus that can be applied to the everyday work of community outreach organizers and social activists.

The book is immediately available by accessing the following link:

It will also be available through and Barnes & Noble.