Saturday, December 5, 2009
LFCDC's "New HIV Intitiative" for the New Year!
Beginning Wednesday, January 20,2010, LFCDC will be providing HIV counseling and testing services on Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., and Monday evenings from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00p.m., at Vernon House, located at 5800 Germantown Avenue in Vernon Park, Germantown and Chelten Avenues.
State certified HIV counselors will provide confidential counseling and testing, as well as health related resource referrals on a walk-in or appointment basis. LFCDC's weekly outreach to schools and community organizations in the Germantown/Mt.Airy area, as well as its special HIV education programs will continue throughout 2010.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Mt. Airy's Local Art Exhibit to Feature Paintings and Sculptures by Nancy-Ellen
Featured will be local artists who will have their work displayed on and along the Mt. Airy Business corridor which runs from the 6300 to the 7000 block of Germantown Avenue. Shops and businesses that run into the avenue within that designated area are participating as well.
Two of the artists featured will be our very own Nancy-Ellen, who recently published her first novel "Nana's Wicker Back". Her sculptures and paintings will be at North by Northwest and Blackbone Gallery, both located in the 7000 and 7100 blocks of Germantown Avenue. In addition, Nancy's son Lamont Wilson will be showcasing his portraits and landscape photographs.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get out, enjoy the autumn season with a casual stroll through scenic Mt. Airy and check out the great works of art created by Philadelphia's artists See you there!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Canvas Soup Beauty Lounge Hosts local author Nancy-Ellen's Book Signing!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
GGBA Explores Creation of "Green Business District" in Germantown
John Elliott Churchville, Chairman/CEO of Liberation Fellowship Community Development Corporation and Interim President of The Greater Germantown Business Association, Inc. (GGBA) announced today that the GGBA has engaged in a process to join with other small historic communities (The Germantown Avenue Business Corridor is a National Historic Landmark) around the state to form the Network of Urban Ecology Communities (NUEC). “Our strategic partners in this endeavor are the School of Architecture of Philadelphia University, along with
Churchville noted that “These academic institutions are in the early stages of developing an Institute for the Network that will coordinate the in-depth studies of Network communities to provide the baseline data necessary for planning and carrying out forward-looking ecological projects that will serve as national models of urban ecological community development.”
Initial participants in the Network will include
Indicating a strategic shift in the GGBA’s focus, Churchville added: “The GGBA’s specific focus for the immediate future will be on investigating the feasibility and creation of a ‘Green Business District’ along
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Book Release and Signing!

Philadelphia native painter and sculptor Nancy-Ellen has now ventured into a new form of self-expression!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A series of Two Leadership Training Seminars Designed for Re-Thinking and Re-Tooling for Today’s Issues, Problems and Opportunities
Facilitated by: John Elliott Churchville, Ph.D., J.D.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Liberation Fellowship Community Development Corporation
Each 1 ½-hour interactive leadership training seminar provides specific insights for developing enhanced leadership skills that are required for successful navigation of movements, institutions, organizations, families, and one’s self through hard times.
Session 1: Leading from the Bottom: Making My Change in Changing Times Wednesday, September 9, 2009
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
440 North Broad Street, Room 1169
Session 2: Leading from the Margin: Changing My Behavior
Thursday, September 10, 2009
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
440 North Broad Street, Room 1169
Leading from the Bottom: Making My Change in Changing Times
In this first leadership training seminar, participants will focus on personal identity and purpose issues (Who am I? What is my mission in life?) These issues will be presented in the context of the present global economic crisis. Participants will explore fundamental leadership concepts and learn the basic steps necessary to recreate, reposition and redeploy themselves for optimum service to family, community and society.
Leading from the Margin: Changing My Behavior
In this second leadership training seminar, participants will focus on developing positive behaviors that will move them from where they are to where they wish to be in order to maximize their full human potential. Participants will also learn the basic steps to forming positive leadership habits and will explore their contagious nature. In addition, they will learn how to use their own growth and development as the catalyst for encouraging people around them to do the same.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
New Book Releases by Liberation Fellowship CDC Principals
ISBN: 0-7414-5517-X
NANCY-ELLEN is President and COO of Liberation Fellowship Community Development Corporation and co-producer/co-host of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, a weekly radio journal that focuses on sustainable economic development, HIV/AIDS education, environmental justice issues and the arts and culture. She is a writer, painter, sculptor, teacher and entrepreneur who is a native of Philadelphia, PA. Her new novel has just been released by Infinity Publishing. Entitled Nana’s Wicker Back, the book is a provocative tale of one lost woman who is commissioned by her ancestors to settle a serious matter that has haunted their family for generations.
The book is immediately available by accessing the following link:
It will also be available through and Barnes & Noble.
Leadership Lessons from Exodus by John Elliott Churchville, Ph.D.
ISBN: 0-7414-5490-4
JOHN ELLIOTT CHURCHVILLE, Ph.D. is Chairman and CEO of Liberation Fellowship Community Development Corporation and co-producer/co-host of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, a weekly radio journal that focuses on sustainable economic development, HIV/AIDS education, environmental justice issues and the arts and culture. He maintains a law practice and a leadership training and organizational development consulting firm in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Churchville’s new book, entitled Leadership Lessons from Exodus has just been released by Infinity Publishing. Leadership Lessons from Exodus is a Leadership Development Bible Commentary that discovers practical leadership lessons from the first 14 chapters of Exodus that can be applied to the everyday work of community outreach organizers and social activists.
The book is immediately available by accessing the following link:
It will also be available through and Barnes & Noble.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
We are offering a $20.00 GIFT CARD from the FRESH GROCER to the first 30 people who show up for testing! In addition to the test, participants will learn more about this dreaded disease through a presentation called "HIV...The Thief". Certified testers will be available to answer questions and provide guidance and literature to all who attend.
For more information, contact Nancy at (215) 848-8511 (please leave a message).
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Leadership Training Seminars Designed for Re-Thinking and Re-Tooling for Today's Challenges as well as Opportunities
Thursday, May 7, 2009
FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2009
The screening will be held Thursday evening, April 30, 2009 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm at the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN GERMANTOWN 35 W. Chelten Avenue (corner of Germantown & Chelten Aves.)
Come as one, come as a family * and receive 2 gift cards! If youcome early, you'll leave informed, tested and paid!
Liberation Fellowship Is On The AIR!
Liberation Fellowship CDC is proud to announce its broadcast of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, a radio journal that focuses on our community's health, environment, sustainable economic development, and the arts and culture.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is sponsored by Circle of Care, the primary publicly funded HIV care system for families in Philadelphia.
Listen to our broadcast on Wednesdays, at 2:00 pm on WNWR 1540 AM. You can access the program through streaming aduio at You can also go there to listen to our latest archived broadcast.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is a production of Liberation Felowship CDC where we are targeting community development one block at a time!